Several weeks ago, Lisa at Thrive After Three asked on the Storytime Underground Facebook page about printed brochures or information she might be able to add to some storytime bags at her library. I shared a few ideas off the top of my head, then realized there were probably more out there and, hey, that sounds like a blog post!

Can never resist adding to my early literacy PR pieces pile
If you are not in a position to create your own early literacy print pieces, or, like Lisa, you have grant or program money that could go towards this, here are a few options, some free to download, some available for purchase.
Reading Rockets
This essential organization has created a very accessible set of 1-page “Reading Tips for Parents” for seven different age groups, birth-grade 3. These sheets are OK to download, print, and distribute for non-commercial use as long as you attribute Reading Rockets. Pre-K-3rd grade sheets are also available in Spanish, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, Haitian Creole, Hmong, Korean, Navajo, Russian, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
Washington Learning
This company sells a video-based training for parents and caregivers on how to help children develop literacy and language skills. Supporting materials and activity ideas are available for download for free, with registration. Most materials are in English and Spanish; the On-the-Go set is also available in Vietnamese, Mandarin, Somali and Russian.
Bell Awards Silver Bell and 2014 Awards Activity Sheets
The selection committee for the new Bell Awards has created free information sheets available for download; each sheet provides early literacy connections and activity ideas for one picture book.
Center for Early Literacy Learning Parent Guides
CELL has a set of 1-page Practice Guides for parents of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers that outline activities that foster language learning. What I love about these guides is they are organized with four headings: What Is the Practice? What Does the Practice Look Like? How Do You Do the Practice? (and so important) How Do You Know the Practice Worked?
Early Literacy Kit
This resource is built around “early literacy tip cards” that are intended for use by storytime providers, but may work for another project.
Every Child Ready to Read
The 2nd edition kit contains 1 pack of 100 bookmarks, and 1 pack of 100 brochures, both of which can be purchased separately as well.
Very Ready Reading Program Kit
This new storytime curriculum kit, sold by Upstart, contains bookmarks and take-home guides.
Leading to Reading Postcards
Seward Library in Nebraska has created a set of 61 postcards for their storytime families, one card for every month from birth-5 years. Each card has a literacy tip and a recommended book. Free to county residents, non-residents of Seward County may purchase sets.
Helping Your Child Become a Reader
Whatever your feelings about No Child Left Behind, this brochure is a good overview of effective tips and activities. You can download a PDF of the 54-page booklet or the 4-fold brochure in English or Spanish at the link above; I emailed the Department of Ed and found out that they are no longer available to purchase.
Teaching Strategies Parent Guides: Reading Right from the Start.
A 62-page booklet in English or Spanish, buy in sets of 10. Developed by the Parent Counts initiative of the Talaris Institute.
Zero to Three
Zero to Three is an amazing organization and has some great early literacy resources, however, their permissions policy allows individuals to print a single copy of each resource for personal use. Institutions (eg, libraries) must request permission to distribute the resources more widely.
Oh! And don’t forget to check with your state library youth services contact. From time to time our state library partners with different organizations to print brochures, and yours might do this, too.
Do you know of any others to add?